World Wide Technology NAIC 1 & NAIC 2

TW Constructors was selected to complete the Tenant Interiors on both the new NAIC 1 and NAIC 2 currently being constructed in Edwardsville, IL.

The NAIC 1 is a 1M-sq. ft. center that will include smaller labs and office space with a larger focus on the warehousing element. The purpose of this facility is to ship and receive units built and tested from the NAIC 2 for worldwide distribution.

The NAIC 2 is a 1M-sq. ft. center that include labs, offices, and warehousing operational center. It is equipped with a 50,000-sq. ft equipment platform as well as a 25,000-sq. ft. outdoor equipment yard with chillers and generators. The HVAC rooftop equipment was set utilizing helicopter do to the width of the facility. This center will be used to build and test products that will then be sent to the NAIC 1 for shipping.

Project Details


Edwardsville, IL


World Wide Technology

Project Type

Science and Technology


TW Constructors

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